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Episode 148: Astrology Isn’t Good or Bad: It’s How You Think About It

astrology coaching Aug 25, 2024
Episode 148: Astrology Isn’t Good or Bad: It’s How You Think About It

I get asked, “When will the astrology get better?” very nearly on a weekly basis. It’s not always phrased exactly like that but that is always the general vibe. 

There is so much about this question we need to talk about.

Astrology Is an Intricate Clock  

First, astrology is not a mood ring or a personality type provided by a one dimensional personality test. It can be used to describe the mood of the day and the way people are more likely to respond to various circumstances or to give insight into the intrinsic motivations, preferences, and needs of an individual.

But that’s just scratching the surface of what astrology can do and to limit it to those things is missing the majority of the point. What I always say is it’s the equivalent of hiring a neurosurgeon to put a bandaid on your booboo. 

It’s much more accurate to think of astrology as an intricate mechanical timepiece with numerous gears moving simultaneously to show a single moment in time. 

The movement of the planets, which are called transits, show us the fastest moving hands of the cosmic clock. Instead of having a second, minute, and hour hand there are 7 hands for each of the planets.

That alone would be a ridiculously complicated watch, right? Think of all of the gears moving together for that but then you have other cycles at play as well like annual profections, eclipses, progressions, fidarias, zodiacal releasing, and so much more.

So when you ask me ‘when will the astrology get better’, all of these factors have to be taken into consideration.

But that’s not all.

Astrology is Literal  

The next thing to understand is, astrology is super freaking literal. The less you make it about spirituality and feelings, the better you’ll get at understanding it.

It’s primarily about objective events. The thing is people tend to talk more about the subject feelings individuals are likely to have about those objective events.

So Mars square, opposite, or conjunct Saturn might be described like applying the gas and the breaks at the same time, because that’s how it would feel, instead of as being told you aren’t getting the job you were really excited about. 

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be talked about like this - I talk about it like this. 

The reason astrologers do this is because it’s impossible to accurately predict what the roadblock is going to be in a generalized horoscope. If we’re being honest, it’s impossible to do it even if I have a chart in front of me because of the almost infinite number of variables (so far, I continue to hold out hope that I’ll find the key to doing this eventually).

Back to that description for a minute. Even when we’re describing how it is likely to feel we are still rolling the dice. 

Some people really enjoy having a challenge to overcome - it’s a rush. That’s why breakout rooms and crossword puzzles and other intentionally annoying things are so popular. So that same transit could show up in the exact same way for two people and one person would feel frustrated because they got told ‘no’ when they wanted to be told to go faster while the other person would be inspired to work harder to figure out a solution and maybe even a little excited about the prospect.

The literal, concrete, factual event that shows up is then subject to your thoughts about it which will subsequently create your feelings about it. That’s true for everyone.

One more example. There was a recent Venus Mars square and I know one woman who broke up with her boyfriend and was all kinds of happy and excited about the change and the dude was devastated. Same astrology, same event, but two wildly different thoughts and feelings about it.

Why does this matter? Because the astrology played out in a very literal way and was experienced in subjectively very different ways. 

Your experience of life is always up to you. 

Every Transit Isn’t Earth Shattering  

Alright. I’m not sure how to break this next one to you so I’m going to need you to brace yourself.

Everything isn’t always about you.

I know, it’s hard to hear. As someone who is firmly attached to the idea that the universe revolves around me, I am always terribly shocked when a super cool mega transit just sort of fizzles and is barely noticeable. 

But it’s true. Some of those gears and cycles I was talking about earlier give us insight into which transits are more likely to be personally applicable to an individual but without knowing which ones are active for you when I (or any other astrologer) is writing a forecast - all of the transits need to be covered. 

Because ultimately the astrology will be a big deal for some people, cities, and countries.

But it’s important for you to realize that sometimes a transit just isn’t that important to your individual life. 

It’s not that the astrology didn’t work, it’s that it wasn’t really about you.

The other point here is that even if it was about you, it doesn’t mean that it was ever going to be a ticker tape parade down mainstreet. 

Sometimes a great big ohmygosh so exciting transit is a nice dinner with your cuddle bear, having a great conversation with your bestie, getting a free coffee at Starbucks, or an insight with your coach that is underwhelming in the moment but ultimately transformational.

Those were all real examples. 


The way to figure out if it’s going to be about you or how each transit showed up in your life is by consistently paying attention to the events in your life and your thoughts about them. I teach all of this and have so many tools inside The Crusade to help with this because I deeply want people to leverage astrology and coaching everyday. You should join us. 

Wherever You Go

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying ‘wherever you go, there you are’ - I never really got it until I realized they meant your thoughts are always with you and you’ll never be able to outrun them.

By default people are just out there letting their thoughts run wild and believing anything that pops into their head is the truth.

Happily, that is not how reality works.

Your thoughts are completely optional. It doesn’t matter what you think initially, what matters is what you think repeatedly.

If you repeatedly think how no one loves you,  you're going to feel unloved even if you are surrounded by friends or if you have a partner. It really won’t matter because you’ll be in the habit of thinking how unlovable you are and you’ll question their devotion. 

If you repeatedly think how loved you are then it won’t matter if you’re alone on your birthday, dating someone new, at a concert alone, with your current love interest, or with a group of coworkers - you’ll feel loved.

I know, the temptation is to say that would make you delusional. 

Well, yeah. That’s kind of the point. 

Literally all of your thoughts are a type of delusion so why in the world wouldn’t you let that work in your favor?

It’s not reality to say you’re alone or unloved even if you live alone and don’t have anyone in your life who says they love you every night before they go to bed. There are almost 8 billion people in the world - you’re not alone. 

Theoretically you love yourself but even if that’s not true, I love you (and I doubt I’m the only one). I don’t have to know you personally because I genuinely love the unique expression that each individual is. I love you because you’re you. I may not like you or ever want to spend time with you because I’m a hermit that likes to be alone 99% of the time but I love you. And there’s no way I’m the only one. 

It’s on you if you think that doesn’t count. 

Ok fine, even if you think it doesn’t count and repeatedly thinking ‘the crazy witch is the only person who loves me’ doesn’t make you feel better - try repeatedly thinking that you love yourself or that you’re learning to love yourself.

You’ll never get to a thought and feeling combo you like if you refuse to try and insist on sticking to the thought that is making you miserable. 

Circling back to astrology. The planets could all align to give you exactly what you think you want and if your thoughts are stuck in a pattern that is some version of everything sucks - you’re never going to notice the thing that just happened that could have easily been experienced as positive.  

What does that mean? What is the answer to the question - When will the astrology get better?

The answer is up to you and how committed you are to managing your thoughts and not letting them manage you.

So tell me... 

How long have you been paying attention to astrology? What have you noticed about the transits? How long have you been working on paying attention to your thoughts and intentionally changing them?

Spend time with these questions and see what comes up. If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and share your answers with me.

Until next time, my wish for you is the freedom that comes from not being the center of the universe. 

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