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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 95

astrology podcast Sep 04, 2022
Wicked Veracity Podcast Episode 95

[Fate & Free Will ]

Astrology for the Week of September 5-11

Before we get started, I want you to know that all times I’m going to mention are in the Eastern time zone. If you want to see the aspects discussed in the forecast on your digital calendar in your time zone, you can get that here.

Monday 9/5: 

  • β™€οΈŽ  β–» Virgo | 12:05 AM
  • ☽ at 13° 25‘ Capricorn β–³ β˜‰ at 13° 25‘ Virgo | 8:24 AM
  • ☽ at 06° 23‘ Capricorn β–‘ ♃ at 06° 23‘ Aries | 8:44 AM
  • ☽ at 07° 57‘ Capricorn β–‘ ☿ at 07° 57‘ Libra | 11:21 AM

In general, Monday is a productive work-oriented day. When you wake up Monday morning, Venus will be in Virgo and what you want more of is likely to shift from the bold and flashy preferences of Leo to the more grounded and discerning tastes of Virgo. 

The house where you find Virgo is where you have a stronger desire to analyze and function efficiently. In this area of your life, you have the potential to show up as practical, analytical, organized, disciplined, and helpful OR judgemental, obsessive, self-denying, picky, perfectionistic, and a bit of a workaholic.

With Venus in Virgo, the way you become more magnetic for the things you want to attract is by first becoming clear on what those things are through careful deliberation and discrimination and then making space for them in your life. It is also where you may be more willing to serve and provide help to others. 

The house Venus is moving into is the area of life where you’ll be more willing to define and attract the things you value (and reject the things that no longer live up to your standards), creating beauty as you define it, and facilitating greater harmony for yourself, between yourself and others, or between your inner and outer worlds. 

By rising sign, topics where you’ll have a little boost of magnetism include:

  • Aries Rising: Physical health, illness, coworkers, your job, pets, self-improvement, and the things you feel obligated to
  • Taurus Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  the creative arts, love affairs, the ways in which you are entertained, close friends, and lovers
  • Gemini Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, your emotional foundation, gains from hidden sources, your father, and your father’s family
  • Cancer Rising: Communication, divination, short distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, your immediate environment, the divine feminine, siblings, and cousins
  • Leo Rising: Money, possessions, resources, and how you make a living
  • Virgo Rising: Self-awareness, your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, your character, your primary motivation, your body, and your health and vitality
  • Libra Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, hidden enemies, transcendence, and spiritual liberation
  • Scorpio Rising: Friends with influence, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, mentors, and that which supports you
  • Sagittarius Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, your mother and her family, your destiny, and your ambitions
  • Capricorn Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, the divine masculine, and your ability to grow, adapt, and learn
  • Aquarius Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, transformation, and the occult
  • Pisces Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships, and open enemies

Tuesday 9/6:

  • ☽ at 18° 51‘ Capricorn β–³ β™… at 18° 51‘ Taurus | 5:23 AM
  • ☽ at 24° 18‘ Capricorn ✳ ♆ at 24° 18‘ Pisces | 2:21 PM
  • ☽ ☌ ♇ at 26° 21‘ Capricorn | 5:42 PM
  • ☽ β–» Aquarius | 11:41 PM

Tuesday is an intense day but generally productive as long as you are willing to go with the flow and process rather than repress any intense emotions.

Wednesday 9/7:

  • ☽ at 06° 09‘ Aquarius ✳ ♃ at 06° 09‘ Aries | 9:44 AM
  • ☽ at 08° 38‘ Aquarius β–³ ☿ at 08° 38‘ Libra | 1:47 PM
  • ☽ at 10° 07‘ Aquarius β–³ β™‚οΈŽ at 10° 07‘ Gemini | 4:12 PM

There is a lot of intellectual curiosity and activity Wednesday that you can use to solve problems, make plans, or communicate with others.

Thursday 9/8:

  • ☽ at 18° 49‘ Aquarius β–‘ β™… at 18° 49‘ Taurus | 6:25 AM
  • ☽ ☌ β™„ at 20° 08‘ Aquarius | 8:33 AM

Thursday morning begins on a somber note that could feel like determination to follow through on your plans or like being confined with a desire to break free. Determination probably means you’re on the right path while feeling like a caged animal looking for a way to escape likely indicates a need to review your current plans.

Friday 9/9:

  • ☽ β–» Pisces | 12:42 AM
  • ☽ at 05° 26‘ Pisces ☍ β™€οΈŽ at 05° 26‘ Virgo | 9:39 AM
  • ☽ at 11° 10‘ Pisces β–‘ β™‚οΈŽ at 11° 10‘ Gemini | 7:07 PM
  • ☿ β–» β„ž at 08° 55‘ Libra | 11:38 PM
    • ☿ β–» Direct at 24° 11‘ Virgo on October 2, 2022

Friday and Saturday are not what I’d call grounded in reality. That’s not a bad thing exactly, it could be a really great couple of days for writing fiction, poetry, music, or being generally creative. It’s not so great for starting a business venture, a relationship, or other things you want to last because of the upcoming full moon and Mercury stationing retrograde.

Mercury stations retrograde at 08° 55‘ of Libra at 11:38 PM eastern and will station direct at 24° 11’ Virgo on October 2nd.

If you have a Gemini or Virgo rising or Sun OR you have Mercury as a Time Lord, you’ve likely been feeling the effects of the retrograde energy already.

Mercury retrograde shenanigans you might as well prep for:

  • Buying/repairing tech
  • Travel issues and delays
  • Tech issues that are random and frustrating like Zoom changing all of your settings randomly or the quick software update taking hours
  • Miscommunication about all of the things with all of the people
  • Ex’s deciding you are the one they really love and they can’t believe they were stupid enough to let you get away (this can also apply to ex-friends, ex-work associates/bosses, and family members you stopped talking to)

Mercury retrograde things to do:

  • Review - any documents, proposals, contracts, emails, texts
  • Renovate - homes, websites, courses, funnels, email sequences, launches
  • Reflect - journal, meditate, coaching, counseling - anything that lets you reflect on past decisions, thoughts, and actions to help you process
  • Revise - edit a book, be prepared to have to do projects and assignments again after receiving feedback or to have to ask someone else to revise their work
  • Repair - this is a great time to tackle those little home/car/body repairs you’ve been avoiding like the leaky faucet, gutters,
  • Reconsider - everything - all the time, think before you speak or hit send
  • Research - I never recommend starting something brand new under a Mercury retrograde but it is an excellent time to research your little heart out about something you’re interested in starting *after* Mercury stations direct 
  • Reorganize - spring, or fall, cleaning is a go-to for this retrograde period
  • Reconnect - with friends, family, and hobbies but not ex’s unless it’s for closure
  • Repeat - all the things - if you expect it, you’ll be way less frustrated when it happens and delighted if you don’t have to
  • Renegotiate - contracts, relationships, etc but don’t finalize until direct if possible

Saturday 9/10:

  • Pisces πŸŒ• Full Moon | 5:59 AM
    • ☽ at 17° 41‘ Pisces β˜‰ at 17° 41‘ Virgo
  •  β˜½ at 18° 48‘ Pisces ✳ β™… at 18° 48‘ Taurus | 7:51 AM
  • ☽ ☌ ♆ at 24° 11‘ Pisces | 4:55 PM
  • ☽ at 26° 17‘ Pisces ✳ ♇ at 26° 17‘ Capricorn | 8:28 PM

Saturday just before 6 am eastern, we have a beautiful, dreamy, romantic, Pisces full moon. This is a culmination in your Pisces house and an opportunity to consider over the next two weeks anything you may need to release in order to move forward in this area of life.

Normally I’d break this down by rising sign, but honestly, you’ll be rethinking and releasing in a lot of different areas between the Pisces Full Moon, Mercury retrograde in Virgo and Libra, Mars having just hit its shadow period in Gemini (it’ll be retrograding back to this point around March of next year) and going retrograde next month, plus eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus at the end of October and beginning of November… 

Everyone’s life is in a state of review and revision, especially right now. If you’ve ever wanted a period to reimagine your life, congratulations! You have lots of opportunities over the next several months. Does that mean there will be no forward progress? Absolutely not. There will be a *lot* - but there will also be a lot of unexpected plot twists.

Sunday 9/11: 

  • ☽ β–» Aries | 2:47 AM
  • β˜‰ at 18° 47‘ Virgo β–³ β™… at 18° 47‘ Taurus | 9:09 AM
  • ☽ ☌ ♃ at 05° 39‘ Aries | 12:30 PM
  • ☽ at 08° 45‘ Aries ☍ ☿ at 08° 45‘ Libra | 5:52 PM
  • ☽ at 12° 14‘ Aries ✳ β™‚οΈŽ at 12° 14‘ Gemini | 11:56 PM

Sunday, the fog starts to clear and there is a lot of support for taking massive action and getting all of the things done. 

If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and let me know how the astrology of the week played out for you.

Until next time, my wish for you is a sense of curiosity when encountering unexpected plot twists in your life.

Podcast Theme Music

LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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