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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 83

astrology podcast Jul 10, 2022
Wicked Veracity Podcast Episode 83

[Fate & Free Will ]

Astrology for the Week of July 11-17

The first part of the week is ideal for getting a lot of work done while the second half of the week is far more emotionally tumultuous. 

There are ways of being and doing things that are praised by friends, family, and society that have nothing at all to do with what is best for you and far more to do with what is best for them or what makes them most comfortable with their own lives.

It is so very easy to live the entirety of one’s life seeking the external validation of various relationships and so much harder to create a life, a love, a relationship to the divine, to others, and to one’s self that is grounded in an authentic desire for personal growth and evolution.

Neither choice is wrong. Nothing is wrong with safety. Human civilization was built around finding ways to garner reciprocity in order to establish stability. But sometimes the structures we’ve built for ourselves keep us stuck in outdated modes of being that no longer provide the safety needed to foster growth. Instead, they keep us comfortable with stagnation. 

Buckle up, I’m just getting started.

Monday 7/11: 

  • ☽ at 22° 33‘ Sagittarius ☍ β™€οΈŽ at 22° 33‘ Gemini | 5:11 pm
  • ☽ at 24° 11‘ Sagittarius ✳ β™„ at 24° 11‘ Aquarius | 7:47 pm
  • ☽ at 25° 23‘ Sagittarius β–‘ ♆ at 25° 23‘ Pisces | 9:42 pm

Monday is one of the least eventful days of the astrological week which makes it ideal for starting the week on a productive note. 

Tuesday 7/12:

  • ☽ β–» Capricorn | 5:01 am
  • ☽ at 05° 11‘ Capricorn β–³ β™‚οΈŽ at 05° 11‘ Taurus | 1:12 pm
  • ☽ at 08° 18‘ Capricorn β–‘ ♃ at 08° 18‘ Aries | 6:07 pm

Early Tuesday morning, the Moon moves into Capricorn where it is eager to work on all the things in a very grounded and deliberate way. 

Venus and Saturn are working together to help you gain clarity about a commitment you’ve been considering involving a romantic or creative endeavor.

Wednesday 7/13:

  • β™€οΈŽ at 24° 07‘ Gemini β–³ β™„ at 24° 07‘ Aquarius | 12:27 am
  • ☽ at 17° 07‘ Capricorn ☍ ☿ at 17° 07‘ Cancer | 7:58 am
  • ☽ at 18° 12‘ Capricorn β–³ β™… at 18° 12‘ Taurus | 9:41 am
  • Capricorn πŸŒ• Full Moon | 2:37 pm
    • ☽  at 21° 21‘ Capricorn β˜‰ at 21° 21‘ Cancer
  • ☿ at 18° 13‘ Cancer ✳ β™… at 18° 13‘ Taurus | 8:16 pm
  • ☽ at 25° 22‘ Capricorn ✳ ♆ at 25° 22‘ Pisces | 8:56 pm

Wednesday, we have an intense Full Moon in Capricorn. The last two years have been a period of transformation for everyone and 2020 will forever be the pivotal before and after point. Whenever we have a significant astrological event in Capricorn, it will reactivate the themes that were irrefutably altered for each of us. This is not a revisiting of the exact topic, that looks completely different for you now than it did prior to 2020. However, it will be related to those themes that underwent radical shifts - and that can be intense.

Going backward is never the way forward, which sounds obvious but it’s actually counterintuitive for most people out there living their lives day to day. (Including me!) 

Growth is scary because it requires letting go of what you once wanted. If I’m honest, even knowing that what you currently desire is available to you is terrifying because it’s new. You don’t know how to handle it on a day-to-day basis and you don’t know where it’s going and it can be scary to think about losing it or messing it up. That’s normal. 

It’s normal to want to go back to what is familiar because at least then you know what to expect and you won’t be disappointed if it fails because you’ve been through that before. That’s why people regain weight once they hit their goal, it’s why old relationships seem like a good idea when you find someone new that has the qualities you’ve been looking for, it’s why people will decline a job that is exactly what they’ve been hoping for to stay at one they don’t love, and it’s why entrepreneurs nuke their business by changing offers or niches when they are close to, or reach, a new milestone. People romanticize the past because then it’s easier to justify going backwards and they avoid the future because the path forward is intense and scary and it’s possible there’s a lion out there waiting to eat you.

A lot of people have been walking that line between what is comfortable and being all-in for something new. 

I have two favorite quotes for times like this. The first one is “comfort doesn’t change you” which comes from the Life Coach School. The second is “God hates a coward” which comes from the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. 

As you may or may not know, I have strong Cancer and Libra placements and I really love being comfortable. I’m also polytheistic and a little heretical and don’t really care what any individual deity hates or likes.  Nevertheless, I love these quotes because they remind me that what I really want - the type of life, romantic relationships, friendships, and experiences I value - is going to be hard and scary to achieve and obtain. 

What I want in the moment - to eat cookies, to scroll IG, obsess about my ex, people please, escape into fiction or work, or to do what I “‘should” because someone else thinks it’s the right thing to do - is going to feel easy and comfortable or at the very least familiar, even if it’s dysfunctional AF. That’s why people will stay in abusive relationships, at a job that makes them miserable, interact with family that are detrimental to their mental health, or any of the other things that are antithetical to one’s deepest desires.

This Capricorn Full Moon is about getting real about the work you need to do to have what you really want. It’s not about it being comfortable or convenient. And let’s be clear. I’m not talking about how difficult it is to make a bad situation work. I’m talking about how difficult it is to live in the new way of being that you’ve realized was an option since the fubar nature of 2020 flipped your life upside down.

Alright. Let’s talk manifestation. The day of the full moon, at any point before it is actually full, (which is 2:37 pm eastern this time) is great for manifestation magic. What does that mean? Ask your cards how to achieve what you want, complete a ritual, or take action in a significant way to move you towards something you know you want. 

After the full moon, it’s time to begin releasing anything that is holding you back from manifesting what you want.

This Full Moon will be especially powerful for anyone with planets at around 21 degrees in Libra, Cancer, Aries, or Capricorn. If you have planets or points near this degree those planetary or house topics will also be activated.

By rising sign, the part of your life that is highlighted during this Capricorn Full Moon is:

  • Aries Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, and your ambitions
  • Taurus Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, and the divine masculine
  • Gemini Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, and the occult
  • Cancer Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships
  • Leo Rising: Physical health, coworkers, your job, pets, and the things you feel obligated to
  • Virgo Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  and the creative arts
  • Libra Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, and your emotional foundation
  • Scorpio Rising: Communication, siblings, divination, short distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, and the divine feminine
  • Sagittarius Rising: Money, possessions, resources, how you make a living, and self-worth
  • Capricorn Rising: Your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, and your character
  • Aquarius Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, and spiritual liberation
  • Pisces Rising: Friends, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, and that which supports you

If you’re not sure what this means for you, working with an astrologer can help connect the various pieces together.  Or, if you want someone to talk it out with who will hold space for the version of yourself you know is possible, I highly recommend working with a life coach. If you’d like both in one convenient package, you can schedule a session with me.

Thursday 7/14: 

  • ☽ ☌ ♇ at 27° 29‘ Capricorn | 12:16 am
  • β™€οΈŽ at 25° 22‘ Gemini β–‘ ♆ at 25° 22‘ Pisces | 1:24 am
  • ☽ β–» Aquarius | 4:13 am
  • ☽ at 06° 35‘ Aquarius β–‘ β™‚οΈŽ at 06° 35‘ Taurus | 2:38 pm
  • ☽ at 08° 23‘ Aquarius ✳ ♃ at 08° 23‘ Aries | 5:29 pm

Thursday carries forward the intensity of the Full Moon but with an added touch of idealism or delusion. Open your heart and mind and be willing to be inspired. 

Friday 7/15:

  • ☽ at 18° 16‘ Aquarius β–‘ β™… at 18° 16‘ Taurus | 9:15 am
  • ☽ ☌ β™„ at 23° 58‘ Aquarius | 6:27 pm

The astrology for Friday is a bit more serious than usual. Focus on pragmatic action that adapts to the reality of the moment to get the most out of the energy of the day.

Saturday 7/16:

  • ☽ at 27° 44‘ Aquarius β–³ β™€οΈŽ at 27° 44‘ Gemini | 12:36 am
  • ☽ β–» Pisces | 4:18 am
  • β˜‰ ☌ ☿ at 24° 15‘ Cancer | 3:37 pm
  • ☽ at 08° 02‘ Pisces ✳ β™‚οΈŽ at 08° 02‘ Taurus | 5:37 pm

Saturday is much softer with the Moon moving into Pisces early in the morning. Midafternoon, the Sun and Mercury will join together to offer emotional and mental clarity.

Pay careful attention to any insights or information you receive today and the way it makes you feel.

Sunday 7/17: 

  • ☿ at 25° 20‘ Cancer β–³ ♆ at 25° 20‘ Pisces | 3:52 am
  • ☽ at 18° 20‘ Pisces ✳ β™… at 18° 20‘ Taurus | 11:00 am
  • β˜‰ at 25° 20‘ Cancer β–³ ♆ at 25° 20‘ Pisces | 6:55 pm
  • β™€οΈŽ  β–» Cancer | 9:32 pm
  • ☽ ☌ ♆ at 25° 20‘ Pisces  | 11:06 pm
  • ☽ at 25° 31‘ Pisces β–³ β˜‰at 25° 31‘ Cancer | 11:25 pm

Sunday is dreamy AF. Mercury and the Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces giving you access to creative, artistic, intuitive, and channeled inspiration and information. 

Sunday night Venus moves into Cancer. This puts additional focus on the Cancer area of your chart and helps you attract what you desire.

By rising sign, topics where you’ll have a little boost of magnetism include:

  • Aries Rising: Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, and your emotional foundation
  • Taurus Rising: Communication, siblings, divination, short distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, and the divine feminine
  • Gemini Rising: Money, possessions, resources, how you make a living, and self-worth
  • Cancer Rising: Your identity, appearance, personality, the way you view yourself, and your character
  • Leo Rising: Mental health, the subconscious, ways you self sabotage, the ways you isolate yourself, and spiritual liberation
  • Virgo Rising: Friends, alliances, your hopes and dreams, social media, personal and professional networks, unions, and that which supports you
  • Libra Rising: Your reputation, profession, actions, relationship with and to authority, and your ambitions
  • Scorpio Rising: Higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, and the divine masculine
  • Sagittarius Rising: Investment, other people’s money, debt, topics concerning death, psychology, taxes, fears, and the occult
  • Capricorn Rising: Committed relationships, contracts, business partners, and other contractual relationships
  • Aquarius Rising: Physical health, coworkers, your job, pets, and the things you feel obligated to
  • Pisces Rising: Children, pleasure, romance, dating, sexuality, the things you desire,  and the creative arts

 If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and let me know how the astrology of the week played out for you.

Until next time, my wish for you is the courage to move away from what is comfortable and familiar and towards that which requires terrifying growth.

Podcast Theme Music

LicenseRustic Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

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