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Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 33

astrology podcast Sep 19, 2021
Wicked Veracity Podcast Episode 33

[Fate & Free Will ]

Astrology for the Week of September 20-26

Before we get started, I want to mention that all times I’m going to discuss are in the central time zone. If you want to see the aspects discussed in the forecast on your digital calendar in your time zone, you can get that here.


  • ☽ ☌ ♆ at 21° 37‘ Pisces @ 6:39 am
  • ☽ at 24° 22‘ Pisces ✳ ♇ at 24° 22‘ Capricorn @ 11:45 am
  • ☿ at 23° 32‘ Libra β–³ ♃ at 23° 32‘ Aquarius  @ 5:52 pm
  • Pisces Full Moon @ 6:54 pm
    • ☽ at 28° 13‘ Pisces β˜‰ at 28° 13‘ Virgo
  • Moon into Aries @ 10:13 pm

Monday begins with a very dreamy vibe as the Moon joins Neptune at 6:39 am. There is the potential to receive positive communication sometime today, like an in-person conversation, email, letter, phone call, text, or messenger pigeon telling you something that makes you happy. The Pisces Full Moon is lovely and unaspected by anything truly troubling, making the day a great time for manifestation magic and the night perfect for curling up with your significant other, relaxing, or otherwise enjoying yourself.


  • ☽ at 04° 10‘ Aries ☍ β™‚οΈŽ at 04° 10‘ Libra @ 6:02 am
  • ☽ at 07° 11‘ Aries ✳ β™„ at 07° 11‘ Aquarius @ 11:43 am

You might be waking up on Tuesday to the consequences of an overly indulgent Monday or just annoyed that the peaceful feeling from the weekend and Monday’s full moon are over. If you can shake off the cranky early in the morning, it should be a productive and relatively mild day.


  • ☿ at 24° 21‘ Libra β–‘ ♇ at 24° 21‘ Capricorn @ 8:11 am
  • Sun into Libra @ 2:21 pm
  • ☽ at 23° 22‘ Aries ✳ ♃ at 23° 22‘ Aquarius @ 6:42 pm
  • ☽ at 24° 21‘ Aries β–‘ ♇ at 24° 21‘ Capricorn @ 8:37 pm
  • ☽ at 24° 35‘ Aries ☍ ☿ at 24° 35‘ Libra @ 9:04 pm

On Wednesday - and if I’m being honest, it’s probably been building all week - you might be thinking obsessively about something or someone. It could be a new work idea or a love interest depending on how the planets are placed in your chart but that obsessive quality should be fairly obvious. It might also show up as someone or something challenging the way you think or view the world.

Adding to that intensity is the movement of the Sun into Libra marking the Fall Equinox in the northern hemisphere and Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere. Typically people seek more diplomacy, balance, harmony, and beauty when the Sun is making its way through Libra. This year, however, Mars is hanging out in the same sign, Mercury is about to retrograde through it for the next month, and the ruler of Libra is in a special kind of mood in Scorpio. It’s an intense emotional vibe where you’re likely to feel alllll the things but they may go back and forth a bit for a few weeks. If you happen to know where Libra is in your chart, this will apply to that area of your life. 

Wednesday night the Moon is amplifying the Mercury-Pluto stuff some more. Don’t brood or worry, do something productive with all of that energy.


  • β™€οΈŽ at 14° 19‘ Scorpio ☍ β™… at 14° 19‘ Taurus @ 4:40 am
  • Moon into Taurus @ 7:38 am
  • ☽ at 07° 07‘ Taurus β–‘ β™„ at 07° 07‘ Aquarius @ 9:39 pm

Thursday the Venus opposition to Uranus is exact at 4:40 am. What this means for you is that really any time this week you might experience sudden revelations around love, money, or the things you deeply desire. There could be a major reality shift in these areas relevant to the houses at play in your chart. 

This is a great week to be mindful of the inevitability of change. There’s a tarot card that likes to remind me of this on a very regular basis, The Wheel. Change isn’t objectively bad, it’s just a circumstance that presents you with new opportunities to think or act differently. It’s only when you resist reality that change feels subjectively bad. When you feel yourself resisting this week, ask how your experience might be different if you weren’t resisting. Don’t worry, you can still resist all you want - just be an angel and ask the question.


  • ☽ ☌ β™… at 14° 17‘ Taurus @ 11:56 am
  • ☽ at 15° 56‘ Taurus ☍ β™€οΈŽ at 15° 56‘ Scorpio @ 3:15

Soooo about Friday. It’s all of what Thursday was except with a slightly more emotional vibe because the Moon will be hitting Uranus and Venus midday.


  • ☽ at 21° 29‘ Taurus ✳ ♆ at 21° 29‘ Pisces @ 2:23 am
  • ☽ at 23° 10‘ Taurus β–‘ ♃ at 23° 10‘ Aquarius @ 5:48 am
  • ☽ at 24° 20‘ Taurus β–³ ♇ at 24° 20‘ Capricorn @ 8:09 am
  • β™‚οΈŽ at 07° 04‘ Libra β–³ β™„ at 07° 04‘ Aquarius  @ 4:50 pm
  • Moon Void from 8:09 am to 7:36 pm
  • Moon into Gemini @ 7:36 pm

Saturday might be a little intense. The Moon is void most of the day after a trine with Pluto which might bring your emotions closer to the surface - which could be a really great thing or might mean working on your anger management. 

The big transit for today happens at 8:09 am when Mars trines Saturn. While this is when the aspect becomes exact, it will likely be felt most of the week and all of the weekend. This is a very cooperative energy between two malefics (which just means planets that aren’t all love and butterflies) so if Lex Luther and Magneto were trying to work together.

It would require a really clear plan that was beneficial to them both or they’d tear each other apart. It also means that it’s a great time to build something epic because you know for sure the only way those two are working harmoniously together is for some epic result. Try not to focus on control and completion so much as forward progress.

The Moon moves into Gemini at 7:36 pm bringing a little mental clarity to wrap up the day.


  • ☽ at 03° 26‘ Gemini β–³ β˜‰ at 03° 26‘ Libra @ 2:35 am
  • ☽ at 07° 03‘ Gemini β–³ β™„ at 07° 03‘ Aquarius @ 9:56 am
  • ☽ at 07° 33‘ Gemini β–³ β™‚οΈŽ at 07° 33‘ Libra @ 10:58 am
  • Mercury stations retrograde at 7pm til October 18 and won’t be out of shadow until November 3

Sunday morning has the Moon tripping up against Mars and Saturn which is a continuation of yesterday and the same advice applies. The great big news of the day is Mercury stationing retrograde at 7 pm. All of the big themes of this week are going to be up for review until he makes his way back here on November 3. 

Remember what I said about forward progress? Reviewing and revising is still forward progress because it gives you the opportunity to refine and improve. While it’s true that you may not get the results you were pushing for as quickly as you wanted, or if you do get them, they may not look the way you expect at the beginning of November. But if you use the review period wisely, what you have on the other side might be even better than you imagined (with that consistent work and by leaning into change instead of resisting it).

If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and let me know how the astrology of the week played out for you.

Until next time, my wish for you is the strength and determination to take the action necessary to achieve your hopes and dreams and the flexibility to allow those hopes and dreams to grow and change in beautiful and unexpected ways.

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