Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 32
Sep 15, 2021
Coaching at the Crossroads
If you’ve ever visited my Instagram profile, then you know a little bit about me already. You know that I’m a life coach, astrologer, stoic witch and that I coach at the crossroads of fate and free will.
But you probably don’t know what that means to me or for you and in this episode, I’m going to explain exactly what it means to be coaching at the crossroads.
I am a determinist. This means that I believe that everything that has ever happened or will ever happen can be seen through astrological and other divinatory methods. I believe in fate.
However, I believe the way we experience those events is entirely subjective and within our control. I believe in free will.
Astrology helps us see the path more clearly so we resist it and blame ourselves - and others - less.
Coaching provides tools to modify our experience so we always enjoy (or whatever emotion we choose) where we are instead of waiting to enjoy* where we think we want to be.
I want that freedom of choice and the ability to lean into fate for everyone.
Don’t worry, I get that this is more than a little mind-bendy, especially if you were raised to believe in free will and having full autonomy over everything in your life.
Maybe you do. Maybe everything you’re doing in this moment is the reason the future is set the way that it is and why it can be seen in the stars and through other types of divination. How? Because time is an illusion and not linear. Because reality is way trippier than you’ve been led to believe.
I don’t have to understand why, I’ve seen astrology work over and over again to accurately describe an individual, what will happen in their life, where to find a lost item, their compatibility with other individuals, and all kinds of other things that shouldn’t be possible.
I don’t have to understand the how, just like I don’t really understand what happens after death, but I know for sure that we all die.
Some people think this is incredibly limiting and robs them of their agency - their ability to create change in the world. But… when you think about it, you already know this to be true on some level. Not everyone has the capacity to be an opera singer, surgeon, artist, or even astrologer. We are all unique individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses and that’s what makes this life you’re living SO remarkable. But it does mean that free will alone isn’t going to make you someone other than who you are. It also means, at least to me, that when non-preferred situations occur, nothing has gone wrong and it is just the reality that I find myself in this moment of time.
So, if there’s a guy who didn’t want to date me or a job didn’t work out, then that’s just what was supposed to happen and it’s time to move on to the next thing. Is it always easy? Of course not, but astrology and coaching help.
I can look to astrology to know what to lean into and what to walk away from and get coaching on my mindset so that my experience of the events is whatever I want it to be. And I want that for you, too.
Ok ok but what about when you want to make change and it’s really hard and if you push hard enough, you manage to get the thing you wanted… that’s for sure proof of free will, right?
Nope. What if you were always going to get the girl, success, car, job and you just chose to make it feel like a grind to get there?
Or maybe time is an illusion (spoiler, it is) and everything we do in one moment is happening at the same time as the future moment we think we’re moving towards. There are actually a lot of really cool theoretical possibilities.
But the important thing is, coaching helps you get to wherever you’re going with greater ease and grace. But it’s not necessarily why you get there.
So tell me...
What would you like to accomplish with greater ease and grace? What would you love to experience differently? Are you fascinated with astrology and divination too?
If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and share your answers with me.
Until next time, my wish for you is the peace that comes from knowing that everything is happening exactly as it should and the freedom to experience it however you want.
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