Wicked Veracity Podcast Show Notes | Episode 19
May 10, 2021Thunder Before the Lightning
I have an unreasonable love of sparkly things and it shocks people in the most amusing way because apparently, I don’t tend to strike them as someone who’d throw glitter around. But I am.
Do you know what happens if you throw a fist full of glitter in the air?
It depends on your perspective, it either makes an ungodly mess or it makes everything look better. Seriously, glitter on concrete makes it sparkle like a magical entrance into another dimension.
That’s really a perfect analogy for the choices we make in our lives, right? Each decision is an opportunity to create chaos or magic and it all depends on our perspective.
That’s what makes decisions so terrifying and what keeps you, me, and all of the other humans stuck.
That moment just before you make a choice is the thunder before the lightning.
This is true even when you don’t actively make a choice because inaction is still a choice. It’s just the passive comfortable option that doesn’t create a magical entrance into another dimension.
I mean, if you think about it, it’s also evolutionarily the way to go because you’re also not risking that ungodly mess, chaos, or complete annihilation right?
I know you have something you want to create in your life. An experience that is different than the one you currently have. Not because I’m psychic, but because everyone has something.
What I don’t know is what YOUR something is.
Maybe you want to fall in love with your body, go back to school, change careers, leave your partner, have a child, fall in love, learn to knit, or create a living space that feels like a sanctuary.
Whatever that thing is that you haven’t decided you really want to do, you still have a few concerns… some details to figure out… you’re weighing your options on.
All of those things you think are holding you back from making a decision and moving forward aren’t doing that at all. They just helped you decide to stay where you are instead of going all-in on you and your dreams.
If you’re in that space of thinking you haven’t decided or thinking you need just a little bit more information or verification then what are you waiting for? A sign from the universe. Alrighty, happy to accommodate - this podcast is your sign.
Take a risk and do the thing or make a plan to do the thing and then implement the plan now-ish, not tomorrow or next week. Stop thinking you don’t know what to do because that’s your brain lying to you to make you do the same thing you’ve always done.
Or make the decision to do the thing you’ve always done but don’t lie to yourself and say you’re still deciding.
Music Time
Today’s episode was inspired by the song Glitter in the Air by P!nk.
From the song:
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just don't care?
And it's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning
So tell me...
What have you decided not to do by not deciding to do it? Have you decided not to take the job of your dreams by not deciding to apply? Have you decided not to marry the love of your life and live happily ever after by not deciding to ask her on a date? Have you decided not to run a marathon by not deciding to go for a run today?
Spend time with these questions and see what comes up. If you’re feeling frisky, hit me up on Instagram and share your answers with me. If you want my help with throwing all the glitter, you can book a free consultation at www.wickedveracity.com/consult to learn more about working with me.
Until next time, my wish for you is an explosion of glitter that brings both magic and a little bit of chaos into your life.
Podcast Theme Music
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